Thursday, February 20, 2014

Catching Up

Sorry I haven't written in so long but it has been quite a busy last few months. I had the surgery redo in the beginning of December fortunately this round was much more successful than the last. My doctor says that everything went very well and that I won't have to have another surgery until the end of 2014. The even better news is that the doctor says that I have no limitations and that I can live my life as I see fit even possibly have a baby.
I have been working on many different projects even finished all of the handmade Christmas presents they were a success! The family just loves their Christmas presents and I love giving them to them! I made purses, wallets, hookbooks, and a quilt for my mother in law and father in law. 
My husband and I are really looking forward to all this year has to offer! We are officially trying to have a baby and as of May I will be graduating from college with my bachelors in elementary education! Hopefully I will get to start student teaching in the fall and then I will be able to get my license to teach in a classroom of my own.
The bad news is that we recently found out that my father in law's thyroid cancer has returned and he will need to undergo surgery and I believe radiation again hopefully to cure him of this disease.
As for all the projects I'm working on currently I am making baby bibs that will be listed on my Etsy store. I've recently completed Magic Wallets and posted them to the stores a well as Taggie Toys and a few other creations! Now I am off to finish my bibs so I can get those posted hopefully sell them soon!

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