Saturday, February 22, 2014

Refashion Old Shirts

So today I got an idea while at the store to refashion some either old shirts or shirts that are just too plain Jane. I thought that I would add a tutorial to make this super easy and anyone can do it. This is a quick project that takes about an hour or so depending on how quick you can move. And the best part is that it won't cost much to complete if you are taking materials from around the house.

What you'll need:
  • An old shirt
  • Scrap Fabric in a contrasting color to the shirt
  • Coordinating Thread
  • Heart Template (or shape template)
  • Pinking Shears
  • Sharp and Small Scissors (or seem ripper and regular scissors)
  • Pins
  • Iron
  • Ruler
  • Straight edge
  • Fabric Marker/Pencil
After you have gathered all your materials the first step is to print the Heart Template then you are going to press the fabric that you have chosen as the contrasting. Using the pinking shears cut the fabric around the template. Make sure the template is lined up on the fold of the fabric this will ensure that both sides are even. Hearts can be tricky sometimes to get both halves the same.

I would recommend that you cut just outside the template with the pinking shears. This will give a little allowance for sewing and such. When finished with that make sure that you press the heart to give it a flat surface. You should end up with something that looks like this. 

Make sure that you turn you shirt inside out and then place the hearts together this way the design is clearly visible and you don't mess the whole project up.

 Then place the heart with the wrong side up and align where you would like it to be on the shirt. Then you should pin it in place. Be sure to double check the placement and that you will be happy with it when it is done.

Then sew the two in place with roughly a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Be sure to watch for the back side of the shirt when stitching it is easy to miss and accidentally sew the front and back sides of the shirt together. 

 The inside of the shirt will look like this once that is complete.

 The outside of the shirt will look like this.

Using your fabric marker and straight edge mark the back side of the heart with lines where you will be stitching. These should be about a 1/2 inch apart. You can do these vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Just when you are doing the lines make sure you keep them even.

Then stitch along the guide lines. When your finished the front should look something like this.

Now that the really hard part is done. I know this whole project is really too easy. You are going to use small sharp scissors and cut JUST THE TOP LAYER OF THE SHIRT between the stitches like so. You don't want to cut through both layers so be cautious as you cut. 

Tip: if you don't have a pair of small scissors sharp enough for this you can do what I did and use a seem ripper to start a little hole and continue cutting with your regular scissors. Just be careful the seem ripper can poke through both layers and you don't want that to happen.

When you finish cutting each section in half between the stitches use your pinking shears to cut each edge. When you are finished it should look something like this.

This project is so easy and it only takes about an hour or so to complete. You can do it on little or no cash out of pocket because it uses items from your house! It is also versatile. You can customize the shape you would like to make and the direction of the stripes which turn out after it is complete. You can even try to cur letters and such from old shirts. I am thinking about how I will be able to create a logo like this. Enjoy creating!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Catching Up

Sorry I haven't written in so long but it has been quite a busy last few months. I had the surgery redo in the beginning of December fortunately this round was much more successful than the last. My doctor says that everything went very well and that I won't have to have another surgery until the end of 2014. The even better news is that the doctor says that I have no limitations and that I can live my life as I see fit even possibly have a baby.
I have been working on many different projects even finished all of the handmade Christmas presents they were a success! The family just loves their Christmas presents and I love giving them to them! I made purses, wallets, hookbooks, and a quilt for my mother in law and father in law. 
My husband and I are really looking forward to all this year has to offer! We are officially trying to have a baby and as of May I will be graduating from college with my bachelors in elementary education! Hopefully I will get to start student teaching in the fall and then I will be able to get my license to teach in a classroom of my own.
The bad news is that we recently found out that my father in law's thyroid cancer has returned and he will need to undergo surgery and I believe radiation again hopefully to cure him of this disease.
As for all the projects I'm working on currently I am making baby bibs that will be listed on my Etsy store. I've recently completed Magic Wallets and posted them to the stores a well as Taggie Toys and a few other creations! Now I am off to finish my bibs so I can get those posted hopefully sell them soon!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Surgery Week

So yesterday I had surgery. It didn't go as well as I would have hoped. Apparently,  I was having vascular spasms and the surgeon had to call off the surgery. It was very disappointing. Tuesday I will find out more about what happened. 

Today I decided to work on my stitch markers for my Etsy store. I finally made a sale this week and it was very exciting! 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Big Week

This week has been a busy little one! I have been on a mission to make binky clips for my new nephew that came Saturday and the one due in January. I made my first Apple pie for my father-in-law's birthday that is at the beginning of next week. And I'm just seeing up plans for next week... Got an interview with the school district to become a substitute teacher, Zoey needs her booster shots, I have to get an ultrasound of my boobs, and visit Quest Diagnostics for blood work in preparation for my surgery to fix the aneurysm at the end of the month. Plus I have to figure out a costume for Halloween since apparently I will be working the Halloween Drawing at work.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

First Crochet Pattern

So today I created my first crochet pattern. The idea came to me last night as I was falling asleep and it turned out so cute!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


So today is my second wedding anniversary. I have been married to an amazing husband for a whole two years! It's amazing!  Unfortunately, we did not get to celebrate today because we both had to work. The best part was that my husband surprised me with a very special and sweet card which made me cry first thing. I cried mostly because it truly sweet that after working so hard for so many hours he actually went to the store and found the most perfect card.

I also had to visit the neurologist today regarding the episodes which I have been having. Apparently I am not that good at controlling my stress level. He says that the episodes are migraines. I have no pain so I am not sure how that is but he says you could also call them stressed induced episodes. Which to me means that I am doing this to myself. I don't care for that to much. It is no wonder considering everything I've been through in the last year. First, my father-in-law had the stroke a year ago.  Then just after Easter I had the miscarriage. Finally, the diagnosis of the aneurysm and the subsequent surgeries. It truly is a wonder I haven't been put in the nut house. So the plan is to now take some time off. I am going to work on reducing stress, saying no to things I can't do, and refocusing my efforts on my husband, our family and my crafts. Hopefully that will stop these episodes and life can return to some level of normal.

Friday, September 20, 2013