Wednesday, September 25, 2013


So today is my second wedding anniversary. I have been married to an amazing husband for a whole two years! It's amazing!  Unfortunately, we did not get to celebrate today because we both had to work. The best part was that my husband surprised me with a very special and sweet card which made me cry first thing. I cried mostly because it truly sweet that after working so hard for so many hours he actually went to the store and found the most perfect card.

I also had to visit the neurologist today regarding the episodes which I have been having. Apparently I am not that good at controlling my stress level. He says that the episodes are migraines. I have no pain so I am not sure how that is but he says you could also call them stressed induced episodes. Which to me means that I am doing this to myself. I don't care for that to much. It is no wonder considering everything I've been through in the last year. First, my father-in-law had the stroke a year ago.  Then just after Easter I had the miscarriage. Finally, the diagnosis of the aneurysm and the subsequent surgeries. It truly is a wonder I haven't been put in the nut house. So the plan is to now take some time off. I am going to work on reducing stress, saying no to things I can't do, and refocusing my efforts on my husband, our family and my crafts. Hopefully that will stop these episodes and life can return to some level of normal.

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