Wednesday, September 25, 2013


So today is my second wedding anniversary. I have been married to an amazing husband for a whole two years! It's amazing!  Unfortunately, we did not get to celebrate today because we both had to work. The best part was that my husband surprised me with a very special and sweet card which made me cry first thing. I cried mostly because it truly sweet that after working so hard for so many hours he actually went to the store and found the most perfect card.

I also had to visit the neurologist today regarding the episodes which I have been having. Apparently I am not that good at controlling my stress level. He says that the episodes are migraines. I have no pain so I am not sure how that is but he says you could also call them stressed induced episodes. Which to me means that I am doing this to myself. I don't care for that to much. It is no wonder considering everything I've been through in the last year. First, my father-in-law had the stroke a year ago.  Then just after Easter I had the miscarriage. Finally, the diagnosis of the aneurysm and the subsequent surgeries. It truly is a wonder I haven't been put in the nut house. So the plan is to now take some time off. I am going to work on reducing stress, saying no to things I can't do, and refocusing my efforts on my husband, our family and my crafts. Hopefully that will stop these episodes and life can return to some level of normal.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Items are now available in my Etsy store!

Today's project- Stitch Markers

So today I thought I would work up some quick stitch markers for knitting and crocheting! I love making these because they can go together quickly and be so cute! It's really all about choosing the right charms and attaching the correct hardware.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Almost finished with my Bachelors Degree!!!

I am so excited that I just learned that I am a mere 20 credits away from my bachelors degree! I have to drag classes out until March of 2014 because of my financial aid but I am almost there!! I am about a month away from being a substitute teacher (just waiting on the interview) and then all I will have to do is my Praxis II test and student teaching then I will be a full fledged teacher!!!!!!! So close I can almost taste it!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Newest Project

This is the newest creation! This teddy is for my nephew... hope he likes his Christmas present!

Etsy Mini

Recent Projects I've Finished.

These are knitting stitch markers which I recently made to sell in my Etsy store. I think they are too pretty!
This is a monkey quilt I made for my niece Jaymie for Christmas this year. I crocheted her a blanket when she was born but she lost it when their home burned down last year.
This is a purse that I made for my niece Emma for Christmas this year! This pattern came from

This is the purse I made for my niece Kaylee for Christmas this year! This pattern also came from
This is a Hobbes doll I crocheted for a friend, Barry. He was too excited that I made him this doll! The pattern came from
For my sister, Nicci's, birthday this year I made her an apron with cupcakes on it! She is using it to make bacon! So pretty! This was a kit that I bought at Wal-Mart went together so easily and came out too cute!
My future brother-in-law requested a quilted mat that he could use to rest his elbows while shooting his rifle. This is the mat that I made. It was easier than I thought and I even added straps so that he can roll it up and take it with him easily!

Introduction to myself at this moment.

So some time ago I started an Etsy store with the highest of hopes. I love to make crafts, it doesn't matter what kinds of crafts. I love to crochet, knit, quilt, sew, put together pieces of jewelry, and so on. Unfortunately, I have not had much success. I am keeping my head up and believe that it will turn around soon.

I decided that the next thing to do would be to start a blog for all to see about my endeavor. I am not too sure how well this is going to go as I already have a full schedule. I attend college to be an elementary school teacher, on top of that I work full time, as if that were not enough I was recently diagnosed with an anterior communicating artery aneurysm.

The good news is that I listened to what my body was telling me and they found the aneurysm in time to fix the problem. The bad thing is that I still have to go through two more surgeries to fix it. I am trying to look at the positive side which is that I will have some time off from work to at least crochet since I will not be able to walk much after the surgery.

Since I'm off tomorrow I am going to look forward to catching up on homework and then perhaps a bit of creating. I decided to attempt to make Christmas presents for all my nieces and nephews this year and have much work to do. I am also going to try to finish the Harley Davidson t-shirt quilt I started today, put back together the quilt for my nephew which I took apart last week after being told and then seeing for myself the pattern came out looking like  swastikas... a terrible design. then I may move on to a couple projects I have in mind for my Etsy store. It might be a bit ambitious for just one day but I will see what I can't get done.