Saturday, September 14, 2013

Introduction to myself at this moment.

So some time ago I started an Etsy store with the highest of hopes. I love to make crafts, it doesn't matter what kinds of crafts. I love to crochet, knit, quilt, sew, put together pieces of jewelry, and so on. Unfortunately, I have not had much success. I am keeping my head up and believe that it will turn around soon.

I decided that the next thing to do would be to start a blog for all to see about my endeavor. I am not too sure how well this is going to go as I already have a full schedule. I attend college to be an elementary school teacher, on top of that I work full time, as if that were not enough I was recently diagnosed with an anterior communicating artery aneurysm.

The good news is that I listened to what my body was telling me and they found the aneurysm in time to fix the problem. The bad thing is that I still have to go through two more surgeries to fix it. I am trying to look at the positive side which is that I will have some time off from work to at least crochet since I will not be able to walk much after the surgery.

Since I'm off tomorrow I am going to look forward to catching up on homework and then perhaps a bit of creating. I decided to attempt to make Christmas presents for all my nieces and nephews this year and have much work to do. I am also going to try to finish the Harley Davidson t-shirt quilt I started today, put back together the quilt for my nephew which I took apart last week after being told and then seeing for myself the pattern came out looking like  swastikas... a terrible design. then I may move on to a couple projects I have in mind for my Etsy store. It might be a bit ambitious for just one day but I will see what I can't get done.

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