Saturday, September 14, 2013

Recent Projects I've Finished.

These are knitting stitch markers which I recently made to sell in my Etsy store. I think they are too pretty!
This is a monkey quilt I made for my niece Jaymie for Christmas this year. I crocheted her a blanket when she was born but she lost it when their home burned down last year.
This is a purse that I made for my niece Emma for Christmas this year! This pattern came from

This is the purse I made for my niece Kaylee for Christmas this year! This pattern also came from
This is a Hobbes doll I crocheted for a friend, Barry. He was too excited that I made him this doll! The pattern came from
For my sister, Nicci's, birthday this year I made her an apron with cupcakes on it! She is using it to make bacon! So pretty! This was a kit that I bought at Wal-Mart went together so easily and came out too cute!
My future brother-in-law requested a quilted mat that he could use to rest his elbows while shooting his rifle. This is the mat that I made. It was easier than I thought and I even added straps so that he can roll it up and take it with him easily!

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